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2023.08.158 min read

5 Ways to Build Your Network as a Real Estate Agent

5 Ways to Build Your Network as a Real Estate Agent
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Networking is one of, if not the most important skill that a real estate agent can develop. It is the basis on which an agent can acquire clients, collaborate with other professionals, and find properties to buy or sell that other people haven't heard of yet. Networking is everything. In this article, we are going to outline five great ways to network and grow your business.

Discovering and Embracing a Pastime

Whether it's a sport, club, or hobby, it can be a game-changer for your career in the geographical area where you work. Not only does it offer an opportunity to unwind and have fun, but it also opens doors to meaningful connections with like-minded individuals. The key to success here lies in networking with people who share your interests and doing so with authenticity.

When you genuinely love something, it naturally shows in your interactions and demeanor. People are drawn to authenticity, and when they see your passion for your pastime, they'll be more inclined to establish a bond with you. These shared interests create a sense of camaraderie and rapport that transcends ordinary business relationships.

Building connections based on common hobbies or activities can have a profound impact on your future business prospects. When people genuinely like you, they'll be more willing to trust you as a professional. As a result, they may turn to you when the need for real estate services arises, knowing they can rely on someone they genuinely enjoy spending time with.


Volunteering within your market is a fantastic way to make a positive impact while also benefiting your real estate business. Not only does it feel good to give back to the community, but it also provides you with an opportunity to establish your name and reputation in a meaningful way. However, the key to successful volunteer work lies in doing it with the right intentions.

When you choose to volunteer, ensure that your primary motivation is to support a cause or organization that genuinely resonates with you. Don't approach volunteering solely as a strategy to find potential clients. Authenticity is vital in building strong and lasting relationships, both in your personal life and professional endeavors. When your passion for the cause shines through, people will notice, and your genuine care will be appreciated by those you connect with.

By dedicating your time and effort to a cause you care about, you can showcase your values and integrity, which can be attractive to potential clients and colleagues alike. Volunteering is an excellent way to demonstrate your commitment to making a difference in your community beyond just selling properties.

Social Media

Social media is a strong and necessary tool these days. When it comes to choosing the right platform, there are several options like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Threads, LinkedIn, and more. But which one is the best fit for you? Well, that depends. Different platforms have diverse user demographics, and the right choice will depend on your target audience and your personal communication style.

One essential point to keep in mind is consistency. It's better to focus on one platform and be consistently active and engaged rather than spreading yourself too thin across multiple platforms with sporadic efforts. Developing a dedicated following requires regular interactions, responsiveness to comments and messages, and valuable content that resonates with your audience.

Take some time to understand your target audience and consider how you prefer to communicate. If visual storytelling and eye-catching content appeal to you, Instagram might be your ideal platform. If you enjoy concise and witty updates, Twitter could be your go-to. For more professional networking and connections, LinkedIn offers an excellent platform.

Remember, authenticity is crucial. Stay true to yourself and your style when engaging on social media. Be genuine, interact with your audience, and don't hesitate to let your personality shine through. The world of social media is ever-evolving, so staying informed about trends and being open to adapting your strategy can help you stay on top of your game.

Finding a Niche

Finding a niche and becoming an expert in it is crucial for real estate agents, especially in a saturated market with thousands of competitors. Offering the same services as everyone else puts you in a sea of competition. Instead, consider creating a smaller, more specialized market where you can become a bigger fish. Some excellent niches in real estate include recreational properties, first-time homebuyers, estate sales, investment properties, and exclusive listings.

Exclusive listings, for instance, cater to clients who value privacy and discretion, and they might prefer not to disclose their property sale to the public. These off-market deals can arise from various situations such as estate sales, divorces, celebrity home sales, or unique properties. Selling off-market allows real estate agents to adopt a more targeted approach and minimize disruptions for their clients.

To specialize in off-market or exclusive properties, you can explore opportunities with BrokerPocket, Canada's largest off-market real estate platform. Joining this platform can grant you an inside scoop on exclusive properties that many other agents may not have access to. Moreover, BrokerPocket offers this invaluable service for free!

Open Houses

Open Houses remain an essential networking tool for real estate agents, proving their continued relevance over time. These events facilitate collaboration among agents with listings and provide opportunities to meet potential buyers and sellers.

For agents, Open Houses offer a chance to network with peers, exchange market insights, and potentially form partnerships. Meeting prospective clients during these events can lead to valuable leads and new business opportunities.

Sellers benefit from the exposure their homes receive during Open Houses, attracting a wider pool of potential buyers. The personal touch of an in-person tour helps buyers create an emotional connection with the property.

Buyers, on the other hand, gain a unique opportunity to experience the home firsthand, beyond what online listings and virtual tours can provide. This allows them to assess the property's condition and neighborhood suitability more effectively.

Despite the technological advancements in the real estate industry, Open Houses maintain their value by fostering a human element and cultivating community connections. In parallel with traditional in-person events, the market has embraced technological innovations, introducing virtual Open Houses as an additional and valuable avenue for connecting with clients. This digital approach enables potential buyers to take immersive virtual tours from the comfort of their homes, broadening the reach of Open Houses and accommodating a wider audience. While virtual options offer unparalleled accessibility and convenience, they complement the traditional in-person experience, ensuring that the personal touch and face-to-face interactions remain essential aspects of the real estate journey. Together, these diverse approaches create a dynamic and inclusive landscape for real estate agents, buyers, and sellers, reaffirming the enduring relevance of Open Houses as an indispensable networking tool in the industry.

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